Amarige Atención al cliente

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Reseñas de: Amarige Atención al cliente (1)


6 de 10

2016-09-23 05:14

Jennifer Rothwell

I fell in love with thia fragragrance at17 im now 41. Ibrecently purched the 33 oz. bottle at macys in Greenville NC. I got it home and not only was it less than half empty but th÷ sprqy button didnt evwn belong to it. When i brought it back i was accused of trying to scam them!! Im qppalled. Not only am i out the 80$ +tax(Ki was embarrassed and am without my/ smell!) I have been so loyal for years and cant afford another 80$+. Please can you send me the bottle ive already paid for. I feel ive been done wrong by your representative. Im not trying to pull the sympathy card but this year hasnt been so good i had cervical cancer and now my boyfriend has been diagnosed with a mass on his kidney. I almost feel what else can go wrong. Please help i believe in you. 24 years of buying just your perfume. Can you help me?

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